About Me and my Blog

Welcome to my little corner of the internet!! Come in and make yourself comfortable and I hope you enjoy your visit!

On trying to decide on a name for my new blog, I had suggestions given – sensible and silly! ๐Ÿ˜‰ – but none seemed to fit. I needed the name to “feel” right and make sure it expressed something about me and my attitude to life …

Along came Kicking Through The Leaves! Autumn is my favourite season and I love the colours of the leaves, the crispness in the air and I adore kicking my way through a big pile of fallen leaves! I started practicing as soon as I could walk and haven’t stopped for the following 26 years ๐Ÿ™‚ I also feel it says something about my view of life – I have some very definite ideas! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Life has so many seasons ofย  ups and downs, struggles and plain sailing and people and experiences coming and going. I have had a pretty good dose of struggles in my life so far, but I have always been determined to laugh at anything funny, find enjoyment from the little things, revel in the good times – even if I have to count in minutes rather than months, and to constantly look for the good in people and life. Ok, so this isn’t easy – I struggle, I despair, I criticise and get angry, I have a cynical side – but every time I emerge from a dark and doubting time, I remember exactly how much good, fun and laughter can be found in every tiny thing. Yes, I’m about to attend a dreaded medical appointment, but right now I’m laughing over coffee with my amazingly faithful best friend R! I’ve had a horrible day with bad news, but my hubby just walked through the door and gave me a massive hug and a bouquet of flowers!

Yup, you’re right – keeping this attitude is a lot of hard work, with many failures, but you know what, it’s worth it when you can laugh at yourself and let other people laugh with you for breaking a jug, singing a stupid song very badly because you thought no one was around or my speciality – realising just too late that what you’re saying has two meanings … ! ๐Ÿ˜› I hope you’ll come and join me on my journey, enjoy laughing at the silly things I do and occasionally get some shared cooking or crafting projects!

L and I got married in September 2010 and I am very much enjoying being a wife and keeping a home of my own. Ok, so maybe I don’t always enjoy cleaning the toilet or scraping the burnt food off the bottom of a pan that wasn’t as non-stick as I thought it was … ๐Ÿ™‚ I am currently not well and so am taking time out to work on getting better, plan crazy projects, cook (hopefully) scrummy food and trying to keep my home at least semi-sane! ๐Ÿ˜‰ L completed his PhD in neuropsychology last summer and this July started a job as Assistant Research Fellow at a big medical school. We met over 7 years ago at the same church and both did 2 years of their volunteer training program – not at the same time, but still! ๐Ÿ™‚ The first time I saw L he was wearing a Robin (as in Batman and Robin) costume and doing a drama at the front of church! The first time L talked to me (because I was sitting at a table all by myself at our church’s 18-30’s group! :)), he was horrified to discover I had never watched The Princess Bride!

I love all things colourful, but especially red, cups of tea after a long day, talking with my friends, beating my husband at a Playstation game, cooking and baking until my husband and friends can’t eat another crumb, taking photos, lots of crafty things and laughing as much as I possibly can – often times at the silly things I end up doing and saying! ๐Ÿ™‚ L loves curry and beer, Warhammer and computer games, muffins, watching comedy, playing Risk with his friends and jumping out at me from around corners! Oh, and he’s also rather partial to my steak and ale pie, making our niece giggle until she gasps for breath and making sure those he cares for know about it!

If you’d like to see what came before, you can view my previous posts over at From My Front Step!

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